The Community Care Program, formerly known as the Weekend Work Program, provides an opportunity for youth to serve court-ordered custody time by working on weekend community projects. Deputy Probation Officers can also use the program as an immediate consequence for youth who are not meeting the conditions of their probation. Youth in the program generally work on light outdoor landscaping or maintenance projects for schools, parks, and city agencies. These projects present opportunities for youth to give back to their communities and to develop a sense of a job well done.

The Community Care Program serves an average of 285 youth per year and saves approximately $400,000 in secure detention costs on an annual basis. Youth provide approximately $100,000 in services to the community per year. 83% of youth successfully complete the program.

Other Alternative to Detention Programs

The Department’s two other alternative to detention programs are: Electronic Monitoring and Home Supervision.


The Court said my child has to be in the Community Care Program.  What does this mean?

Sometimes the Court decides that your child could benefit from doing service projects in the community.  These projects are usually landscaping and other outdoor work.

How much will it cost me?

For information about your financial responsibility, please call 650-312-8816.

What happens if my child fails to complete the Community Care Program?

Youth who do not complete their hours in the program may be placed in the juvenile hall.  It is very important for youth to attend the program when it is ordered by the Court.