In your career development, you might want to consider some of the following activities:
- Countywide training programs
- Departmental training programs
- External training seminars
- Conferences
- Workshops
- Other degree and certificate programs
- Computer-based training/internet-based training
Work Experience
- Work out-of-classification
- "Acting" assignments
- Temporary/provisional appointments
- Job rotation
- Cross-training
- Internships
- Volunteering
- Management Talent Exchange Program (MTEP)
Special Assignments
- Participation in strategic initiatives
- Short term projects
- Presentations to boards, commissions, the public and other groups
- Task force/committee assignments
- Teaching a class in a technical knowledge area
- Team leader assignment
- Special studies/reports
- Mentoring
- One-on-one coaching
- Cal-ICMA (California International City/County Management Association)
- Books and periodicals
- Internet
- Professional Associations
- Debriefing actual experiences with others
- Observing experts at board, commission or community meetings and other venues
- Job Shadowing